The Energy of Marketing

Creating visibility isn't about volume, it's about energy.

It's about how you're feeling when you show up and the way you're putting your message out there.

Think about it...

Speaking to the people in your audience who are already a YES is attractive.

Desperate or graspy energy isn't.

Here's what I mean:

Creating from a place of graspiness - or trying to convince the people reading/watching/listening to take action - has the opposite effect than what you want to achieve in your marketing.

It repels rather than attracts your Ideal Client.

People don't want to be convinced.

They want to be invited.

You want to create content from magnetic energy.

Energy that communicates an understanding of your people, what they want and need and what they're experiencing.

This energy isn't desperate or soul-sucking; it's fun, educational, and valuable.

It's the kind of energy people want to be around.

And isn't that the whole idea?

You don't want clients who need to be talked into working with you.

You want clients who can’t wait!

As you create your content today and throughout the rest of the week, think about the way you want to make people feel.

Then, reverse engineer that feeling to create value that people keep coming back for.

And if you're one of my people who's been waiting for an invitation, here it is.

Book a call with me. Let's talk about your business, your goals and the challenges you're experiencing.

I can't wait to get to know you and help you grow that amazing business of yours.

Grab a spot on my calendar >>>