Case Study: Confidence Through Coaching

Meet Aviva!

Aviva is the founder of Family Love Letters, which helps people discover, share and preserve their family stories.

“After my father died, my brother, sister and I were going through his desk when we found a letter he had written to us. We read the letter and felt his love in each word. I wanted others to have this link with their parents and all those that came before them.”

Coming into REL Momentum, Aviva’s goals were around streamlining and prioritizing marketing, but she soon learned that it was her mindset that needed to shift most of all.



  • Struggling to sign clients consistently

  • Lack of focus


  • Simple marketing plan

  • Mindset coaching


  • More confidence in herself and her business

  • More joy and celebrations


Struggling to sign clients consistently

While Aviva had a firm grasp on her client work and whole-heartedly knew that her final product was gorgeous, she had been spinning her wheels in terms of getting new clients on board. She described these earlier days as “waiting for clients to come.”

Part of the problem was that she had been looking for solutions in the wrong place.

Lack of focus

Aviva also didn’t have a clear marketing plan in place or an outlet to connect with ideal clients in a way that felt authentic to her. As a result, she felt scattered, like her mind was running in every direction at once.


Simple marketing plan

Aviva played small, waiting for clients to come to her. Most of this was a resistance to feeling like she had to be on social media and not knowing how to use the platforms to engage in and encourage conversation.

So we created a simple marketing plan that Aviva could follow through on consistently. One that felt aligned to who she is and the meaningful connections she wanted to create. Over time, Aviva stepped out and started marketing in ways that are authentic to her and Family Love Letters. 

Mindset coaching

At the same time, Aviva’s mind was running in every direction, leading her to question the business on the whole. She came to realize that inconsistent sales were more due to her unmanaged mind. I helped illuminate for her the thoughts that weren’t necessarily true and how she could make some simple shifts to thoughts and beliefs that better serve her.

“Rachel’s questions force us to distinguish between reality and the stories we tell ourselves.”


More confidence in herself and her business

Aviva experienced the normal ups and downs in her mindset, but through coaching she has a much clearer idea of what she’s avoiding and why.

“I had thought that I needed to streamline and prioritize marketing, but I soon learned that it was my mindset that needed a shift…It's true that I didn't really know how to market effectively or do reach-outs; but I also lacked the confidence about the viability and allure of my services.”  

More joy and celebrations

Learning to celebrate her successes along the way has been critical to boosting Aviva’s confidence and retaining the joy of her work.  

More clients

Today, she sees her business as a business, rather than a passion project, and she’s meeting her goal of signing 3 new clients every month!

Are you next?

To learn more about Aviva and Family Love Letters, visit her online.

Or connect on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.

To learn more about getting these kinds of results in your business, schedule a call to speak with Rachel.