What Does Success Look Like For You?

How do you define business success?

There are a lot of coaches out there talking about building multi-million dollar businesses...

Highlighting fancy cars, luxury handbags, private jets, and tropical travel.

All of this is fine if this is your dream. (Truly, no judgments from me.)

But what if your dream isn't to build a business that looks like this?

What if your dreams are more about doing work that's deeply meaningful... creating a certain kind of impact... helping others heal... providing extra funds so your family can take a vacation or just not have to squeeze the monthly budget?

I See You.

What I'm aspiring to isn't another luxury handbag, either.

I had about a dozen of those in my early 20's, and all they did for me was attract a kind of attention I wasn't comfortable with. They represented my gift for shopping, not my gifts as a woman.

In 2022, my dreams are to

⭐Help 100 more women launch profitable businesses that allow them to lean into their deepest potential, shine brighter, live fulfilled/purposeful lives, and create wealth and personal security.

⭐Spend meaningful time with my family doing things we enjoy together

⭐Show thousands of women what is possible when you set out to intentionally design a life you ♥... and hope that they find a small ounce of courage to take the first step as a result

⭐Double the amount of money @Adam and I give away

⭐Spend time with myself, taking care of myself, every single day

⭐Become more of who I'm meant to be - as a mom, wife, entrepreneur, friend, family member

What's your dream look like?

If you're like my clients - filled with passion, heart, intellect and immense talent - you want to grow your business into something that makes all those dreams a reality.

You want to create impact, use your business as a container for your greatest contributions, and fulfill your dreams of building wealth and security (however you define them!).

If this is calling you, I'm your business coach.

I work with women just like you to help you get more of what you crave.

Because when you amplify your light and build a business that satisfies your big dreams, you live with more joy... you are fulfilled and empowered... you hold the keys to a kind of security that brings peace to your life.

It starts with a call.

Jenna Deardorff