It's Okay Not to Know

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Do you ever catch yourself thinking 10 (or 20) steps ahead?

Imagining the endless potential outcomes of every choice you make?

Thinking that you need to have it all figured out before diving in?

It can be exhausting and overwhelming.

Trust me. I've been there too.

Today, I want to tell you...


You don't need to know right now...

  • Exactly what your business will look like 5 years from now

  • Your one perfect calling

  • Every step to creating your dream business

  • How to do it all

Nobody knows it all; you don't have to either.

We're all doing the best with the information we have, trying things out and making adjustments as we go.


Entrepreneurship is a long-game.

Filled with goal-setting, action-taking, revising, and trying again.

All you really need to know right now is your next step.

Just one.

And when you know that next step, you can find the resources to make it happen, one thing at a time.

This is exactly what I help my clients do who are building businesses from scratch.

We talk about their vision, what they want to create, what their passions and talents are, and what's holding them back from moving the needle forward. Then I give them the tools and the steps to land clients.

Whether your next step is solidifying your offer or growing your reach, I can help you craft a simple plan that cuts out the confusion and overwhelm of putting the cart before the horse (ie. doing the 20 things that aren't necessary right now.

To get started, book a free call with me.

You've got this!