4 Ways to Give Value

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Give value, give value, give value!

You hear it all the time, right?

You know you're supposed to show up, give value and make offers to your audience.

But what does "giving value" actually mean?

While it's definitely a bit of a business buzz phrase right now, it's also a concept that you can use to help guide your content and marketing plan.

There are actually 4 ways you can give value to your audience:

1️⃣ Educate and share your expertise. This could look like a free mini-training, cheat sheet, how-to video, anything where you are teaching a little bit of what you know.

2️⃣ Inspire your audience. Help them to envision the future they want. Storytelling goes a long way in building a connection with your people. Tell your own story of transformation or share testimonials or case studies from your clients (with their permission, of course). Quotes can be inspiring, too, but try to be sure you use your own words and concepts so they're getting to know YOU in the process.

3️⃣ Connect people with each other. If your gift is bringing people together building community and making introductions, USE IT! (This is one of my favorite things to do!) Whether you're referring others in your network or creating a thriving Facebook group, the right connections are gold when it comes to building a business.

4️⃣ Give your time. Often, one of the most valuable things you can offer is a simple conversation. Sell your discovery call as an opportunity for your potential client to get your one-on-one attention and advice. Just don't be afraid to make an offer for your paid services, as well.

There you have it!

4 simple, actionable ways you can create value and serve your audience and future clients.

If you're still figuring out your simple marketing plan and your favorite ways to create and deliver value, I've got you!

I help solopreneur women simplify the mechanics of business and master the mindset of success to grow their business to their first $5k and $10k months.

Book your free call now, and we'll talk about where you are now, what your audience needs to hear from you, and how I can help you get your message out there.