Do You Feel Like an Employee in Your Own Business?

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My client, Mandy, described her work as give-give-give.

She felt that she always had to be "on," needing to answer her clients' calls and questions as soon as they came in, working long hours to keep up with the workload plus her own admin and marketing, thinking about her clients when she woke up in the middle of the night...

You left corporate America because it was all give-give-give.

You felt like it was never enough and it left you exhausted and unsatisfied (maybe even downright miserable).

And now, you've created a business where you do just the same.

If this is you, listen up...

In this business, YOU are the CEO and YOU get to define the rules!

That means you DON'T have to:

👎 Answer emails on the weekends - or when vacationing.

👎 Devote all your waking hours to your business.

👎 Come running to your phone every time it blings (heck, you can even turn those notifications off once in a while).

👎 Give your clients all of you, leaving you feeling mentally drained and burnt out.

What is it that you really wanted when you took the leap to start a business of your very own?

Freedom, flexibility and choices, right?!

So, how you can ditch the hustle and create a business that is profitable, sustainable and that you actually LOVE?

💜 Create a schedule that allows you to care for yourself and your loved ones, while still reaching your business goals.

💜 Set boundaries. What are you working hours? When will you respond to messages, and when will you be off duty? How will you respond to last-minute requests or changes?

💜 What strategies can you use to clear your mind when those pesky worries or to-dos keep popping up outside of your work time?

When Mandy stepped into and fully owned her new CEO role, everything fell into place.

It's possible to build the business of your dreams without sacrificing yourself in the process.

Mandy is doing it. I've done it. And you can, too.

If you're ready for this, it's time to book a call.