BUSTED: 3 Myths About Sales

“I hate sales!”

Have you said this before?

Does the thought of sales elicit bouts of anxiety and sweaty palms?

Many early-stage entrepreneurs and subject-matter experts experience this when shifting from solely providing a service to being responsible for bringing in the clients as well.

If you answered yes to those questions above, know that you’re not alone.

The fact is that you have to sell — whether you like it or not.

The good news though, is that sales can be done YOUR way.

So if you’re ready to enroll clients with ease and joy, let’s start by busting some long-standing myths, shall we?

MYTH #1: Sales is hard.

Frankly, this one is subjective. Because hard for one person could be easy for another.

What's a fact in this is:

Practice makes progress.

Learning how to successfully sell your services, is an invitation to grow.

There will be discomfort and you will experience rejection.

But with a sales mindset and strategy, this process becomes much simpler – and less daunting.

MYTH #2: Converting clients requires convincing.

When people say they hate sales, they are almost always referring to that icky, pushy, convince-y approach that makes everyone involved feel uncomfortable.

Successful sales strategies are based on relationships: genuinely getting to know someone, discovering their needs and desires, and offering to help – only when you actually can.

And it will feel good for you and your new client without having to convince them.

MYTH #3: Scripts sound robotic.

You can be a rookie at sales and not sound robotic using a script.

Knowing how you want to guide the conversation is key to successfully navigating a sales call. Whether you write a full script (and practice delivering it in appropriate segments), or you create a general agenda with specific talking points.

Lean into your authority as the expert service provider, allowing that passion and heart for helping others to drive the energy of your sales discussions. That’s where ease and joy live.

Need help cultivating successful sales mindsets and strategies? This is one of the ways I help subject-matter experts start enrolling clients in their new business.

Click here to book a call with me.