A 3-Step Process to Unlock Your Voice in Business

3-Steps to Unlock Your Voice in Business

There’s a lot of “New Year, New You” messaging floating around and it got me wondering what that means.

Because I believe that you’re not broken; there’s nothing to fix. 

On the contrary, you are blessed with a unique personality, loads of wisdom, and a set of gifts and talents that no one else on this planet can replicate!

So the problem isn’t that you need to change or develop a “new you;” the challenge is learning how to unearth and fully express all of YOU.

I invite you into the practice of using your voice as the vehicle that creates a ripple effect of impact in your own life and the lives of others. 

You might we wondering, how

It starts with a story.

When I was 9 years old, I sang in public for the first time. “If I Only Had a Brain” from Wizard of Oz was the piece. St. Louis Union Station was the place. 

From there, I continued to develop my singing skills, taking lessons with top vocal teachers around town throughout my childhood and teenage years. 

I loved singing and music so much that I decided to go to college for a degree in vocal performance. 

But freshman year, everything changed. I lost the joy of music and chose to leave it behind.  

Since 1997, I’ve only sung publicly a handful of times. 

I’ve often wondered what happened. How could someone with such a deep passion for something let it go - seemingly so quickly? How could someone fall out of love with the thing they’ve been tied to for so long?

It wasn’t until last year, 2022 - 25 years later, that I found my answer. 

It was the process of building multiple beautiful businesses that put me in positions of deep growth and personal fulfillment that the answer was revealed. 

Because growing a business…

  • Teaches you everything you need to figure out about who you really are. 

  • Activates all your greatest fears, and challenges you to learn how to move through them.

  • Dares you to make an unwavering commitment to your vision.  

  • Demands that you embrace the journey, no matter how messy it may be.

And as it turns out, it wasn’t until I went through all of this that I could tap into my deeper joy space and reignite the voice that’s been dormant for so many years.

At the time, it felt like a lack of confidence that killed my dream of becoming a professional singer. 

Alas, now I know that my calling was in a different direction - one where I could leverage my voice in different ways and use it to inspire others to use theirs as the vehicle to what it is that they deeply desire. 


  • I finally chose to believe that my voice mattered. 

  • I finally chose to believe that my voice brings others joy.  

  • I finally chose to believe that love, passion and fun outweigh perfection.

Friend, your voice matters too. You have a mission to help others become the best version of themselves.


And yet, your voice is THE THING so many of us shy away from sharing. 

Because it can feel scary and vulnerable. 

But you have been called to do special work in this world, and using your voice for good is key. 

Keep reading to learn a 3-step process that helps you unlock your voice and use it as the powerful vehicle that it is: 

#1 ACCESS your voice
Your voice is such a personal expression of who you are, because there’s no way to separate our voices from ourselves. But it may be buried inside you, as it was for me. The first step is to access, or find, it. 

Can you recall a time when you felt connected to your voice? Proud of what you had to share? 

#2 ACTIVATE your voice
Once you’ve accessed your voice, your charge is to activate, or use, it. This may feel vulnerable at first. It may not feel easy or intuitive. You may want to cover it up by staying “behind-the-scenes” in your business.  

When you think about the people you want to serve in 2023, what is it that they are needing to hear right now? What can you offer that will help them take the next step on their own journey?

#3 AMPLIFY your voice
Get louder, not in tone, but rather in your messaging. Use your voice to put your stake in the ground around issues you’re passionate about. Share your values and what you believe. Take a stance. And do it all with consistency.

This journey for me was about so much more than music. Through it all, I was blessed to find my voice within this small business world as well as a renewed joy in singing.

And, it’s here to stay! I’ll be taking to the stage here in Israel on March 5th in my first performance of the last 20 years!

As you set out to grow your business, know that I am here to be your coach, mentor and guide. I will help you find your subject-matter expert voice, learn how to use it as a vehicle of change, and hold your hand when things get a little shaky. 

Your journey begins here. Schedule a call to get started.