Day 5: Designing and Implementing Simple Systems That Keep Your Business Fun and In Flow

DAY #5 - Build Your Systems

This 5-day series is specifically designed for subject-matter experts who want to turn their service delivery into a sustainable, profitable and fulfilling business.

The BUILD Momentum Method™ serves as your roadmap for this content series and for the path that takes you to your first $50K in revenue and beyond.

If you love what you do as a subject-matter expert, but you’re confused about the “business side of things” and how to monetize and market your expertise, this is for you.

The Method that Takes You From Being an Overwhelmed, Underearning Subject-Matter Expert to a Confident and Profitable Business Owner


Let’s talk systems!

They’re not sexy, but if you want to build a sustainable, profitable business, designing and implementing systems is essential. 

Often, when we open up the conversation around systems with subject-matter experts, they get all antsy and anxious about what this might entail. First, because developing systems and processes sounds complicated. Second, because dabbling in a part of business that isn’t familiar to them is like knocking on imposter syndrome’s door.

To put it simply: Systems aren’t (necessarily) their expertise, so they tend to avoid designing and implementing them altogether.

The problem with this approach, or lack thereof, is that a business operating sans systems is one that is wasting time, spinning on a hamster wheel, and causing unnecessary stress and overwhelm for its people.

Where to Begin with Systems

At the stage of business where you’re building foundations and growing to your first 6-figures, simple systems that represent the top 5 repeatable tasks are a good place to start. 

Some examples of these simple starter systems include:

  • How you schedule meetings

  • How you onboard clients

  • The process you go through when working with clients

  • How you manage your time

  • How you create and distribute content

  • How you manage your finances

Documenting the steps of common to-do items allows you to reduce inefficiencies in your business and maximize time. This means no more re-inventing the wheel each time you make an offer, onboard a new client, sit down at your desk in the morning or reconcile your books.

There are other benefits of defining your systems and processes. Here are 4 game-changers you won’t be able to ignore:

1 | Systems create consistent results

Consistency is key to ensure that your business delivers high-quality results. Early in our business-building journeys, we operate in more of a fluid way while figuring out what yields the results we desire. As we move through that phase, and land on the quality of service we want to be known for, it’s time to define and document the set of strategies, procedures and processes that get us there. And by doing so, you ensure that those high-quality results become the norm for your business.  

2 | Systems maximize efficiency

One of my favorite meals to cook is saag paneer, veggie tikka masala, naan bread and masoor dal (red lentil curry). There are a lot of ingredients and cooking steps between these four dishes! Can you imagine having to recall how to do all of this by memory? 

Just like documented recipes allow you to make a gourmet meal without having to recreate the recipes each time, the systems and processes you create in your business allow you to operate with efficiency as well.

Document the processes of your most common repeatable tasks and you will find that your productivity rises as you streamline for efficiency.

3 | Systems support daily routines

A business owner who operates without systems can flounder every morning, unsure of where to start and what to do. While on the contrary, established daily routines and checklists organize ongoing to-do’s in a way that saves time and minimizes overwhelm and doubt.

As we wrap up this series, I invite you to look at how your business currently functions and determine where defining systems might alleviate questions, a cycle of spinning or inconsistent results. Share what you uncover from this reflection below – I’d love to hear from and support you!

In all of our programs, we use The BUILD Momentum Method™ to guide you into becoming an empowered, confident business owner. 

If you’re ready to monetize and magnify your expertise to create a thriving business on your own terms…

I want to invite you to join me for my free masterclass - 5 Steps to $50K - where I will break down what it takes to unleash your brilliant expertise and get your business going and growing to that first $50K in revenue and beyond. Click here to sign up!