The Winding Path of Entrepreneurship

How will you know when you've "arrived" in your business?

What is that thing that will prove that you've finally made it?

What will life be like then?

Who will you be?

We want so badly for there to be a straight line from point A to point B.

Our brains love a simple, linear path.

But that isn't really the way it goes...

The entrepreneurial path isn't an interstate with straight routes and clear exits.

It's more like a winding backcountry road.

Just when you think you're reaching the end, you realize there is more around the bend.

The truth is, there is no final destination in business.

There is always a new challenge, a new goal to reach for.

And that's what makes it fun!

We can use our goals, our milestones, as markers along the path.

They aren't the end of the road.

They're simply there to remind us that we're making progress. That we're doing it!

And when you learn to embrace the twists and turns, the journey becomes an adventure!

Today, I want you to think about...

◾ What is your long-term vision you have for your business.

◾ What is your next milestone or marker along the way?

◾ What is one thing will you do this week to move closer to it?

If you're feeling confused about how to reach your next milestone (or what it even is in the first place), I can help.

We'll talk about where you are now, where you want to go and begin creating your roadmap.

Book your call now to get started.