Top 4 Things That May Hold You Back

If you're feeling stuck in your business...

OR if your business is growing, but you're not feeling aligned and happy with your results...

One of these may be to blame.

#1 Mindset

This is the #1 thing!  

It's easy to get caught up thinking that your actions are what create your results.  End of story.

But there is so much more to it than that.

Your thoughts and feelings play a huge role, too.

Your brain will try again and again to hold you back, to keep you safely in your comfort zone.  

And you will need to work again and again to shift the thoughts of doubt and fear into belief.

When you can do this, you end up taking bold, aligned action (the kind that actually moves the needle) from an energy of confidence.  And your future clients will see it!

#2 Not having a loving relationship with self

When you don't feel good about yourself, it's hard to feel good, period.  

Self-care goes way beyond bubble baths and watching movies in bed (though those can be great, too).

Caring for yourself also means finding love, respect and trust for yourself.  

This stuff is hard work, but it is so worth it.

Because when you feel good - when you are confident, trust your instincts and know that you are doing the right things for you, your family and your business...

You step into serious power!

#3 Lack of Boundaries 

As a solopreneur, mom, wife, friend, daughter, and whatever hats you wear everyday, you have a lot of obligations to manage.

Setting priorities and boundaries around them helps to protect all the most important parts of your life - including your own wellbeing.

We can't do it all, all the time.

So you'll need to create containers for the different aspects of your life.  

For example, what will your work hours be?  

During that time, focus solely on your work.  You can even break this down further into times to work ON vs. IN your business.

Outside of your work time, focus your energy on the activity or relationship you're engaged with in that moment.

This takes a lot of practice, so be kind to yourself.  A gentle reminder is enough to shift your focus.  No need for judgment or shame here.

#4 Lack of Systems 

You know those days where you feel super busy, but you don't actually get anything important done? ✋

A lack of systems might be the culprit.  

Systems help you to do more in less time, find the things you need when you need them, and create consistency in your business.

And they don't have to be complicated.

Start with something simple, like a scheduler so that you can stop the back-and-forth emails when you set up a meeting.

Is one of these 4 areas standing out to you?

I help my clients with these challenges and more.  From booking your first discovery call to landing your first or next client, I've got you!

I'll teach you to simplify the mechanics of business, develop a clear marketing and sales strategy, and master the mindset of success to create a business that makes a huge impact and changes people's lives.

Ready to get started?