Turn Followers Into Friends

Ready to cross the line from "follower" to "friend"?

Building an audience, wherever and however you choose to do it, is a part of growing your business.

But what if you want more than just followers that feel like strangers?

Here are 3 ways to nurture your audience and take your relationship to the friendship level.

1️⃣ Let your personality shine through

We know that giving value and making offers has to be a part of your marketing plan.

But you really take it to another level when you share who you are.

What's important to you?

What lights you up?

What do you do for fun?

What does a day in the life look like?

Sprinkling in little bits of what makes you you invites your followers in and lets them get to know you as a real, human person.

2️⃣ Be real and vulnerable - Don't just share the highlight reel

We know it isn't all sunshine and rainbows all the time - in life or in business.

While you should totally share the wins and celebrations, the other side is just as important to show.

We all struggle.

No one is perfect, and no one has it all figured out.

Opening up about real challenges and failures you've experienced allows you to relate to your audience on a deeper level.

It lets them see you as someone who can really understand what they're going through and help them to the other side.

3️⃣ Make it a conversation

It's called SOCIAL media, after all.

Get to know your followers (and future friends):

What's their big vision and dream?

What do they need?

Where are they struggling?

What's their favorite flavor of ice cream?

You know, the important stuff.

And when they respond, be sure to engage.

Imagine you're having a conversation face-to-face, not just through a screen.

Now, a little homework for you:

Write a post using one of these approaches and share it with your audience.

Which one will you choose?

I love sharing tips and tools for a simpler, more effective and joyful way of creating clients and building your business to consistent revenue.

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