On Courage and Regret

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One of the top regrets expressed by those awaiting their last breath:

I wish I had been courageous enough to live the life I wanted.

WOW😲 - A powerful insight to heed now before it's too late.

For me, being courageous looks like challenging the status quo and questioning what I truly, deeply want in life.

It looks like starting two businesses and a non-profit before I turned 40.

It looks like my family and I embarking on the adventure of a lifetime as we move abroad (tonight!!!).

Being a business owner and shaping my own future has been the ticket to living the life I want to live.

And believe me when I say: it's taken an enormous amount of courage - to go for it and to stick with it.

This can be your ticket to activating your best life, too.

But it isn't always easy.

When you step into entrepreneurship, you set out to build your own business and you have enough of an inkling of courage to go for it.

But then it gets tough.

Clients don't come easily.

You feel unsure of what you're supposed to be doing each day.

Internal tensions rise as fear escalates.

You think: Maybe I don't have what it takes. I'm not that courageous after all. (These thoughts still pop into my own mind periodically.)

Here's the thing though...

This is all just typical mind drama.

These thoughts are your brain elevating your awareness and trying to guide you back to the safety zone (i.e. what you've always done before).

This doesn't mean you're not cut out for this entrepreneurial journey.

You have this one life to create your legacy.

You don't want to live with regret.

To truly be courageous, to stick with your dreams of building a company that beautifully impacts the world, you need to learn how to manage these thoughts and how to make decisions about where to spend your time.

You just need help learning how to build that confident courage muscle to keep at it when the going gets tough.

I can show you how.

Book your free call now to get started.