How To Build Consistency

Building the muscle that powers consistency is one of the hardest to develop.

You have dozens of ideas.

💭“Surely, I should start a business!” you think.

So you do.

You launch something.

Get so excited about it.

Make a logo. Design a website.

Buy into a course.

And can’t wait to share it with the world!

You know there are clients out there who need this.

But then…

Radio silence.

You think you did all the right things.

You posted on Facebook. Went live on IGTV.

Attended your local Meetup.

Created a blog.

Emailed family and friends.

Toyed with starting a podcast.


No one buys.

😔“This isn’t working,” you think.

So you ditch that and dive into one of your other ideas.

Thinking it will be different.

“THIS is the one that will stick” you tell yourself.

But it doesn’t, and the cycle continues.

➡ I’ve seen this repeated over and over again with clients who think they’ve done something wrong.

They launch something.

Do a few things to try to sell it.

Give up.

And go back to what feels easy and comfortable or launch into something new.

The problem isn’t with that first idea; it's not that the business isn't working...

🎯The problem is in the commitment and consistency of selling it.

When you tell yourself that it isn’t working and then add in new variables or switch gears…

You enter a cycle that perpetuates the story that your business isn't working.

When really, you just haven't given it a chance.

🔥Building a business that generates the results you're after looks like you being fully committed to the process and showing up consistently over a period of time.

It's a marathon, not a sprint.

This is why building the muscle that powers consistency is one of the things I teach you in REL Momentum. Inside this 6-month program, you’ll learn my approach that makes it simple and fun to stick with your plan and sell your services consistently and confidently until you get the results you’re after.

⭐Doors close in 2 days (!!) so you want to apply today to join this cohort of amazing women walking the same path as you!

Details and application here. >>