Reflecting on 2021

Stepping into your full potential, that bigger version of you, begins with an honest reflection of what was.

Because in order to get where you're going, you need to understand where you've already been.

As we prepare to step into a New Year, I encourage you to take a quiet moment to look back on ALL that 2021 was for you.

The good, the hard, the surprising.

So grab your journal and beverage of choice and settle in for a little you-time.

Here are a few questions to get you started:

1️⃣ What wins are you celebrating?

Big or small, celebrating successes is a huge part of creating more wins moving forward.

Take the time to really feel them - feel the pride, the joy, even the struggle if that was a part of it.

2️⃣ What lessons did you learn?

A failure isn't a failure if you learn from it and use it to your advantage. Think of the times you stumbled this year. The times when things didn't go the way you hoped.

What lessons and nuggets of wisdom are hiding in there for you?

How can you use them to help you in 2022?

3️⃣ What story are you ready to release that won't serve you in 2022?

If you aren't sure about what stories are holding you back, think of it this way.

When something goes wrong, what is your default thought? What is the not-so-helpful thought that plays on repeat in your head when your confidence is low?

How can you let go of this, and what do you want to believe instead?

In the REL Community of female entrepreneurs, we:

💜 Honor the good.

💜 Use mistakes to propel our growth and expansion.

💜 Leave behind the thoughts we have about ourselves and our circumstances that don't contribute to next-level us.

If you're ready to join a group of women that will help you take those next steps to building the business of your dreams, REL Community is here for you.

And starting January 2nd, you can also join us in the 2022 Visibility Challenge: 30 Days to Increase Your Online Visibility and Attract More Ideal Clients.

It's free inside the REL Community Facebook group.

When you sign up, you'll get 30 days of emails where you'll learn how to harness the art of demand by stepping into the most authentic, brilliant YOU. Even if the idea of getting visible feels scary now.

This challenge will be a game-changer for your business.

Join us now >>