Don't Let Fear Derail Your Dreams

Is fear squandering your dreams?

It took mine.

Here’s the story:

Growing up, I wanted to be a singer.

I trained for it. Worked with the best voice teachers in town. Practiced and sang for family and friends.

Objectively, I was talented. I had real potential.

To be on Broadway? Who knows. But definitely the kind of potential that I should have fully explored.

I went to college as a freshman and studied vocal performance.

The competition was stiff.

I measured my talent against everyone else’s.

I was scared of not hitting a high note, or of being flat.

I doubted my ability to hold my own in the class.

At the end of that year, I told myself - and everyone around me - that I was quitting because I didn’t enjoy being on stage and performing.

Looking back, I see so clearly now that I was just scared to try.

Fear robbed me of pursuing singing as a career, a dream I carried with me throughout my childhood.

The wake-up call came in my mid-20s, which is when I decided to reclaim my own dreams and not ever let fear hold me back in that way again.

It might not be a childhood dream that you’re hanging on to…

Maybe it’s some other deep-seeded passion or calling that fear is controlling...

Whatever the case, do you notice fear holding you back from something important and joyful to you?

One of my greatest fears today is wasted potential.

Women who are stuck in the life they’ve been handed, and aren’t fulfilled in…

Women who don’t have the confidence to go after what it is that they really, truly, deeply want in life…

Women who are paralyzed by the fear of failure…

You get this one precious life to live, and you get to decide what it’s going to look like.

Is Broadway in your cards? Are you destined to be a superstar?

Maybe. Maybe not.

The point is, it doesn’t matter.

You were made for more and your business is your chance to fully express your gifts.

And when you learn how to face your fears and move forward in spite of them, the most beautiful, full expression of you can blossom.

And there’s nothing more fulfilling than living with that.

Fear should not be the reason you decide not to pursue your dream or passion. In my course and coaching program, I teach you how to use fear and doubt to fuel your business so that it serves rather than stifles you.

Join me inside REL Momentum to learn how and get started on your journey to building a business that helps you create a life you truly love. Click here to get started >>