Holding 2 Truths

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Have you ever noticed how as one door closes, another one opens?

Within hours of leaving Denver on Thursday, we received the news that our aliyah (our immigration application) had been approved.

This is a story of holding 2 truths.

Excited to get to Israel. Set up our new home. Dreaming of possibility.


Feeling so sad to leave. Carrying the pain of goodbyes.

This concept of holding 2 truths is just a natural thing we deal with in life.

This week has illuminated that concept for me more than ever... and I see how this plays out in business, too.

Maybe you've already started to experience how the entrepreneurial journey is a dichotomy of 2 truths: the ups and the downs.

Excitement and doubt.

New clients and mistakes made.

Hitting goals some months and falling short on others.

Especially when you're in the early stages of your business, the constant coaster of thoughts and feelings can be exhausting.

The doubt and failure isn't actually a problem, though our brains like to make it so.

It's totally normal to struggle in these ways...

But these things can hold you back from realizing the success in business that provides for the life you've dreamed of living...

If you don't learn how to use both truths to serve you and your higher vision.

When you learn how to carry 2 truths, move through them and keep them from becoming a problem...

Building your business becomes easier, more joyful, and more rewarding.

This week, I'll be teaching a free masterclass to share my simple solutions that will help you move towards more of the truths you desire. It's all wrapped up in 5 Steps to $5K, where I'll show you how to turn the overwhelming and hard parts of your "2 truths" into momentum that brings you to the place in your business that serves you.

Ready to hear my story and learn how to hold 2 truths for yourself?

Join me this Tuesday.

Save your spot now.