3 Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan (aka Roadmap)

This roadmap we speak of is not your grandfather's business plan...

But before we can jump into a lengthy pro/con list about why you need a business plan, we first need to dive head-first into the concept of a pivot.

Depending on who you ask, you might discover that every startup pivots or no one really knows what a pivot is. The bottom line is that the success of your business depends on your ability to clearly explain what you do, who you serve, and how you’re unique – or your ability to pivot until you can.

Why is all this pivot chat important? Because it starts with your business model… which (incidentally) is a pretty big chunk of your business plan.

I’ve shared the 5 essential elements of a business plan before, so let’s talk about why you actually need to draft one.

Gone are the days of 20-30 page memorandums on every aspect of your business (for everyone except the bank or investors), so there’s no need to fear writer’s cramp (or typist’s cramp).

Why You Need a Business Plan

A business plan gets you more clients
Being able to write down what you do well (and unique to your competition) means you can also explain to people you meet – like your ideal client – with confidence and ease. You’ll spend more time on-boarding prospects than pitching to them.

A business plan keeps you accountable
Yes, you should absolutely have an accountability partner (if you don’t have a business coach already taking on that role for you). But at the end of the day you need to hold yourself accountable. What better than a document outlining all of your business goals and how to get there?!

A business plan pushes you to dream BIG
Confidence is one of the biggest obstacles holding women back from achieving more than they’ve ever dreamed. This is why creating S.M.A.R.T. goals is a must in your business plan, because you deserve to have it all!

By delineating the direction and overall strategy of your business in a few pages, you’re far more likely to actually achieve your goals and take your business to the next level without losing balance or sacrificing the freedom and flexibility you crave.

Call it a roadmap or a blueprint or a business plan, but writing down for yourself what success looks like to you is only half the battle. The rest of that document is how you want to get there.

And guess what? That part is where you can go back, make changes, or even pivot!Now that you have a better understanding about why you need a business plan, are you ready to stop sacrificing and start dreaming big?

Let’s jump on a call to talk about what success looks like for you. Schedule your free call here.