5 Work-Life Balance Tips for Entrepreneurs


Work-life balance is a hot topic these days.

From those touting ‘it’s not balance, it’s integration’ to those claiming it simply doesn’t exit, everyone has an opinion about the semantics and logistics of juggling all that life throws at you.

At the end of the day, we all want to have a meaningful experience in our work life just as we do in our personal life. And quite frankly, I often resort to just calling it LIFE. While the line between the two is blurring for us all, solopreneurs can find it difficult to even identify a line at all.

With the holidays upon us, starting a business while maintaining a fulfilling personal life can feel like a daunting task. So, how do you actually achieve this integration of work and life?

Here are 5 work-life balance tips to test out this holiday season:

Work-Life Balance Tips for Entrepreneurs


You’ve heard me talk (a lot) about the incredible benefits of time blocking before, but however you schedule your time, be sure to allow for buffer. It takes time to context switch between dropping the kids at school and preparing for a client coaching call – getting stuck in traffic or running over on a call will only add to your stress. Build in buffer time, because if you don’t need it, you can use it for tip #2!


You have a lot of responsibilities: you’re starting up a business, running a household, and possibly caring for a family. If you’re not careful, you can go an entire day (or week!) without doing a single thing for yourself. Take 5 minutes to breathe deeply, plan half an hour to read a chapter of a new book, or schedule out an entire afternoon to spend on a favorite hobby. Not only do these activities keep us sane, but they also serve to remind ourselves that our wants and needs are equal in importance to those of our business and family (because they are).


I genuinely believe that we can have everything we desire, from a fulfilling career to a joyful family; yes, at the same time! But in order to have it all, you need to set realistic expectations about what that means for you. What does ‘having it all’ look like to you? Define your values and priorities now, so when a business opportunity arrives at the same time as a personal commitment, you already know what the right answer is for you.


Along with defining your expectations, you’ll naturally identify the lines you simply won’t cross as you examine your values and priorities. Perhaps you decide you won’t post pictures of your children on social media, won’t schedule meetings or take calls during dinner with your bestie, or won’t check your email on the weekends you spend with friends. What’s right for someone else may not be right for you, so consider where you want to draw your lines – and stick with them!


Probably the most challenging on this list is learning how to be present in whatever you’re doing. This means you’re not replaying your daughter’s recital during a prospective client meeting or mentally writing an email to a colleague during a conversation with your husband. If it doesn’t violate your hard limits, you can certainly share anecdotes of your children with prospective clients and discuss your work with your spouse. When you are present, however, you’re eliminating distractions, so you can give your full attention to the person you’re with. Not only will they feel important and respected, but you’ll feel awesome as well!

Beyond applying these work-life balance tips in your life, are you not sure how to balance your personal life with the demands of starting a business? Don’t let the holiday season pass you by without taking action! Schedule your free call, and let’s chat about what ‘having it all’ looks like to you!