Working ON vs. IN Your Business

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We talk a lot about work-life balance, but what about work-work balance?

By that I mean how much time you spend working ON your business versus working IN your business.

If you want to reach consistent revenue and grow in a way that feels sustainable, you've got to be doing both!

In case this idea doesn’t ring a bell, working IN your business is the work that you do for your clients - the work that you get paid for.

Working ON your business is everything else you do for your own company to keep things running smoothly, bring in new clients and continue to grow.

The challenge can be finding an appropriate balance between the two:

If you are spending too much time working on your business, you're limiting the amount of revenue that you can bring in.

If you’re spending hours tinkering with your website, playing with your logo or daydreaming about your future endeavors but you aren't blocking the time to take those revenue-generating actions that actually connect you with new clients, something is off.

This is usually a clue that you have some mind drama going on you need to address.

On the other hand, if you spend all of your time doing paid work for clients and no time on your own business, you have the potential to fall into the dreaded feast-or-famine cycle.

You've got to continue to put yourself out there and connect with new people - even when you’re fully booked.

The balance will look a little different for every person and every stage of business.

If you feel like you need to make some adjustments, but you aren’t sure where to start...I can help you.

I’ve got the tools and will give you all the support you need to simplify your business and manage your mind drama.

Book a call now to talk more about finding your balance.