Case Study: From Solopreneur to CEO of an Agency

Meet Becca!

Becca is the founder of ShuBu Creative, a branding firm that creates brands with purpose and impact. 

When Becca launched her business, she set out to build a successful and thriving branding and marketing agency with multiple accounts and employees. 

She created a 3-pronged signature approach to guide her client transformations and bring their businesses and brands to life.

But she struggled with the business and money side of things, systems around client delivery, and time management - balancing work IN and ON the business with her obligations and desires as a mom and wife. 

“I knew that I needed help to tighten things up to make this work. I knew there were gaps and needed someone to sit with me and dive into the nitty gritty to get this figured out. I knew that Rachel would roll up her sleeves and help me and it was not going to be a bunch of B.S. like some other coaches that I have talked to in my past.”

It was her second year of business when she reached out to and hired REL Impact. She had an established business, with a handful of clients, and was ready to grow. 



  • Systems and operations 

  • Taking a consistent owner’s salary

  • Self-care and time for family

  • An understanding of where ShuBu fit into the market


  • Tracking tools and simple processes

  • Clear direction and brand proposition

  • Accountability and thought partnership


  • Created a solid foundation for her business finances

  • Hit 6 figures in her business

  • Confidence as the CEO


Systems & operations, Taking an owner’s salary, Self-care and family time

When we first started working together, Becca struggled the most with financial forecasting, expense tracking and time management. 

How were client projects evolving relative to the original proposal? 

How can we anticipate everything needed for each project?

What revenue can we expect next month, next quarter? 

Where is all the money going?!

When does self-care fit in?

Becca’s challenges were all intertwined, and she knew that she needed to get a handle on the business side of things, implement processes and take care of her own and her family’s needs in order for ShuBu to grow. 

An understanding of where ShuBu fit into the market

In its first year, ShuBu was more of a general branding and marketing agency, offering a wide range of services to a broad range of clients. This left Becca unclear about where to market her own business and what set it apart from the multitude of other agencies.


Tracking tools and simple processes

After reviewing Becca’s business and the way she was operating, I helped her implement several key tools and systems that brought greater efficiency and clarity to her work. 

  1. The first was time tracking. For weeks, she kept tabs on the way she and her team were spending their time, as we knew that understanding this would be key to delivering a consistently high level of service and creating space for growth. Indeed, the results were revealing.

  2. I developed a Financial Forecast Spreadsheet to use for proposal creation, revenue building, and expense tracking – which she still uses today!

  3. A streamlined client onboarding process. From scheduling (she went with Calendly!) and running a productive discovery call, writing proposals, and updating her contract… to payment platforms and terms, intake forms, contractor agreements, and managing projects within the scope of the contract… ShuBu’s prospecting and client delivery activities finally took shape. 

Clear direction and brand proposition

Empowered with the right tools and systems, Becca was ready to get more strategic about growing ShuBu. Our focus at this stage was to tap into the company brand and what its superpowers were, while analyzing clients past and present to develop an understanding of their ideal client and project.

In the end, Becca found clarity in who ShuBu serves and how they deliver on a consistent and compelling brand proposition, which became the foundation for her own marketing strategy. 

“Rachel has very clear direction. I have worked with a few other coaches, which have helped me in many ways too. The best part of Rachel is that she is very clear, it is easy to implement her direction (and she will hold you accountable), and her direction sticks.”

Accountability and thought partnership

More than anything, Becca needed an outside perspective to help illuminate areas where she could simplify her business and be held accountable to her own vision. During our time together, Becca experienced a challenging moment with a large client. I coached her through the situation and they are still working together a full year later. 

This is one of the most valuable solutions I provide for my clients, as that space to step fully into the belief that their visions are possible takes time and intentionality. And for Becca, it made all the difference in how she started showing up as the CEO of her business. 

“Amongst other things, Rachel helped me through a challenging moment with a large client and low and behold they are still my client after a full year now!!”


Created a solid foundation for her business finances

Now that Becca has a clear picture of her finances, she is able to set revenue goals, pay her contractors AND herself, and manage her expenses while working with clients she loves. 

Hit 6 figures in her business!

ShuBu Creative went from nearly $70,000 in annual revenue in its first year (when we started working together) to more than six figures in 2020, and it has continued to grow in 2021. 

Confidence as the CEO

Business is 20% mechanics and 80% mindset. While firming up the mechanics made a tremendous difference in ShuBu’s bottom line, the ultimate growth was in Becca’s mindset. During our work together, I watched Becca go from a new business owner who questioned her every move to a confident CEO who knows how to run a successful, profitable business. 

“It is absolutely worth it to work with Rachel. She will help you move forward faster and more purposefully than you would on your own.”

Are you next?

To learn more about Becca and ShuBu Creative, visit her online.

Or connect on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.


To learn more about growing your business to 6-figures and beyond, schedule a call to speak with Rachel.