How To Start A Business When You Have No Time

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“How can I start a business when I have no time?”

This is a question that comes up a LOT with my audience.

And it’s no surprise.

Life is busy and full.

You may still be working at a 9-5 job, have kids, volunteer obligations, other family to care for (or maybe even all of these!).

It is a fact that we all have 24 hours in a day.

It is also a fact that we are all spending those hours in different ways.

And that’s ok.

The challenge is in identifying and prioritizing the way YOU want to spend your time.

Here are a few questions to get you started:


  • What MUST I do (daily/weekly/monthly)?

  • What things do I WANT to spend my time doing? These are non-essential activities that are still very important to you.

  • Are there things on my schedule that I can let go of or delegate to someone else? How much time could I create by doing this?

  • Are there any pockets of open time in my schedule? Where are they, and how much time is available to me?


  • What is my goal for my business this year? Think about this in terms of the amount of money you want to make, as well as the specific tasks that will get you there.

  • What can I do **this month** to move closer to my big goal?

  • What is one thing I can do **this week** to grow my business?

Commit to doing one simple thing...then put it on your calendar. Protect that time and keep the promise you’ve made to yourself to work toward this dream of yours.

No matter how huge and audacious your dream may seem is totally possible for you!

Our dreams don’t have to exist on a timeline. We don’t have to do all the things right now to end up exactly where we want to be.

Take one step at a time, add on as you go, and just don’t stop.

Progress over perfection, my friend.

Every win is worth celebrating.

You’ve got this!

P.S. Have you heard?

I am hosting a special FREE training to teach you my simple 5-pronged approach to landing your dream clients and creating consistent revenue.

If you're eager to learn a simple approach to launching and landing your first clients or if you've had a few clients but your business has not reached the stage of consistent revenue, this is for you!

You'll learn the absolute essentials of building a profitable, successful and meaningful business and how to grow your business and make more money without hustling.

Sign up now.