How To Sell Your Offer

One of the keys to growing your business to its first $50K is knowing how to sell your offer.

And yet, learning to create and sell an offer is one of the big things holding newbies back from getting their business going and growing.

When I launched REL Impact, I made ALL the mistakes in the book.

❌I launched two brands almost simultaneously, causing offer confusion for my clients.

❌I wasn't clear about whom I wanted to serve, because each of my brands specialized in different audiences and solutions.

❌I shied away from telling people about what I did, because I, too, was confused about how to market each of my offers!

This is why it’s so important to learn early on how to create and deliver your offer -- in your content and on consult calls.

It wasn't until I figured this out that my business started to take off and I became known as THE startup coach for women. (Clear, right?!)

So, back to the basics:

You start by thinking about what your ideal clients want and need.

Then you create something that helps them access it.

Next, you find and connect with your people.

Finally, you sell it like a human (not a sleazy salesperson or awkward teen asking a crush out on her first date).

If this sounds almost too simple to be true, take it from my clients:

“When I started REL Momentum I had a lot of great ideas for where I wanted my business to go. I felt scattered, unsure, and overwhelmed by the details of bringing all those ideas to life. This program has brought me structure and clarity that is propelling my business forward in ways I never expected.”

“When I met Rachel, I was almost a year into running my online business with only 1 sale. I didn’t have clarity around what I really wanted to offer, and that confusion was showing up in my messaging. I constantly questioned what the next right step should be for me. REL Momentum turned that all around. I gained clarity around my offering, built and launched my signature program and got my first paying client within just a few months!”

These results are possible for you, too, when you tap into my simple process for launching your business around one magnificent offer.

Just 2 more days to access the bonus 1:1 coaching session with me!

If you believe in your business… are struggling to figure out how to make money in it… and are a heck yes! to earning $50K in it in 2022 -- check out REL Momentum.

Inside this program, I’ll teach you how to take revenue-driving action (without the hustle and overwhelm), so you can start to create consistent income and joy in your business. REL Momentum is the simplest, most direct way to get your business going and growing.

Get started by applying today >>

And if you’re ready to take your business to the next level - 6-figures and beyond - my one-on-one coaching program is the place for you.

Schedule a call to get started >>