4 Steps to go from Solopreneur to CEO successfully.

Being a solopreneur is NOT sustainable.

And yet, when you first start your business, there aren't resources to hire anything out.

When you're a solopreneur, not backed by a team, everything depends on you showing up to do it.

You literally wear all the hats.

Which typically means...

When you’re not working, your business isn’t either.

When you’re not selling, clients can't buy.

This is why the solopreneur life can feel overwhelming and why burnout is so prevalent.

So the sooner you can move out of the Solopreneur stage and into your new role as CEO, the faster you’ll experience joy, ease and success in your business.


Here are 4 steps to successfully go from solopreneur to CEO without a team:

Step 1 - Set the Vision

As a service provider solopreneur, you could get away with simply providing your service.

This is not the case for the CEO, who moves into establishing and focusing on the bigger vision for the business.

Ask yourself questions like:

-What do I want this business to become?

-What’s the impact I want to make?

Step 2 - Schedule Strategy Days

Once you have a clear vision, strategy days become more natural.

Whether it’s one CEO day a week or twice a month, spend time goal-setting and action-planning, analyzing your metrics, creating systems, and building programs that move the needle forward on achieving that bigger vision.

Step 3 - Establish Boundaries

CEOs cannot function without boundaries - in business and with loved ones.

While Solopreneurs tend to operate when others need them, CEOs establish boundaries on their time.

Determine what those are ahead of time and intentionally create space to fill all the roles you play in your business and in life. It won’t happen without some structure and boundaries.

Step 4 - BE here NOW

Right here and now, be the person you want to become.

Familiar with the saying, "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have"?

Close your eyes and envision who you are after you have achieved your annual goal or your bigger vision. How does she show up?

BE here today.

In the way you carry yourself.

In the way you speak and command authority.

In the way you interact with others.

These 4 steps will help you feel so much growth, even before you consider making your first hire.

Becoming the CEO you want to be doesn’t happen overnight.

Be patient.
Give yourself grace.
Take the small steps, consistently.
With time and focused attention, you will experience the shift from solopreneur to CEO.

My clients find it so beneficial to be held accountable and guided through this process.

If being supported along this transformative journey is of interest to you, I would love to mentor and guide you.

Reach out to schedule a call and we’ll discuss what working together looks like >>