3 Tips to Build New Habits


As we begin the second half of 2021,

Let’s talk about habits.

What new habit would you love to form?

What could help your days be smoother and more pleasant?

What would help propel your business forward?

We hear all the time that good habits are the key to success. So, why isn’t everyone doing it?

The short answer?

It’s hard.

💥 Change, even when it’s for the positive, can be a source of stress.

💥 We live in a culture of instant gratification. Creating a new habit takes time, because they are formed by repetition.

💥 People often try to change multiple habits at a time (take New Year’s resolutions, for example). Trying to do a total overhaul of all the things you *think* you need to fix is too much to take on at one time!

The result is often that after slipping up with a new habit, we beat ourselves up, consider the whole thing a big ‘ol failure and go back to the way things used to be.

When it comes down to it, your brain loves to maintain the status quo, and it takes intention and effort to make a change.

So what’s the key to forming the habits you want?

1. Be patient with yourself! We all slip up sometimes. Your discrepancies today don't affect tomorrow. That's a new day.

2. Start small and take just one step. Commit to that one change for a certain period of time (say, 30 days) and when that thing becomes a habit, move on to the next level of that habit or another habit altogether.

3. Celebrate your milestones. This is my favorite part! Decide how you’ll know if you’re making progress toward your goal and commit to celebrating at certain points along the way. Give yourself something to look forward to...then follow through!

And, finally (yes, I’m going to say it again)...Give yourself a break! Beating yourself up every time you slip into old ways is not helpful. It just makes you feel bad and makes it even more difficult to continue working toward your goal.

July is yours for the taking, girl. Go get 'em.

If you’re ready to build the helpful habits that will fuel your business, I can give you the simple traction-gaining plan and all the coaching you need to hit your goals, simplify the mechanics and master your mindset.

>>Book your call today to get started.<<