4 Ways to Build Your Magnetic Personal Brand

Are you a stay-at-home-mom who’s considering what to do next?

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur hoping to build a business larger than home-base?

Are you a therapist, artist, or some other service-based business owner looking to build your name?

Personal branding is the key to your future. And, just like a business or product brand, your personal brand represents the essence of who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to be perceived in the world. It’s the promise you make, your purpose for being and doing, your personality, and how you position yourself in the public eye… and it penetrates every aspect of who you are so it should be created by design, not default.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or looking to open up professional opportunities, being deliberate with your personal brand allows you to create a vision for your future, own your power and stand out in a way that’s unique and engaging.

But how do I create a personal brand? I’m just me! You might be asking…

The answer? Thoughtfully. Authentically. Strategically.

Think of it as reputation management.

Every time you successfully complete a project, greet someone in the hallways with a smile, kindly give feedback to a friend, or handle a lousy situation with care - - you’re creating the reputation for which you become known.

Ready to get started?

Here are 4 ways to build your magnetic personal brand.


Who are you and what do you want to be known for?

What do you want people to see, think, or experience when they interact with your personal brand?

What are your core values and what makes you unique?

Understanding these elements and getting clear on the value you offer allows you to be strategic in how you present, or market, yourself.


What’s your style? Just as you would with a business brand, think about what you want that logo to say about you, your work, and your personality. You may want to consider what colors, fonts, and graphics would best communicate these parts of you before engaging a graphic designer in the logo creation process. There are also a bunch of DIY resources out there that are free or inexpensive and easy to use. So, if you’re a non-techie gal (like me!) and on a start-up budget, you may want to check out these awesome and user-friendly resources: Canva, Adobe Illustrator, or 99Designs.com.

Whatever direction you choose, be consistent in using the logo and brand identity elements so that you become recognizable in the crowded marketplace.


Once you’ve defined your personal brand and created a logo, it’s time to build your presence.

Online or on the town, your brand will follow you wherever you go, which creates a huge opportunity to establish yourself as a thought leader, or expert, and leave people with a positive impression of who you are and what you do.

Whether you’re writing copy for your new website, or engaging and building a tribe on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest - be authentic, polished, and professional all the time. The content you put out there will reflect this intentionality and thoughtfulness in a way that will be attractive to your audience and give them a true sense of who you are

If you’re building a website to call home for your personal brand, take some time to list out your needs and do your research to explore the platform that is best for those needs. Three of the most common platforms are Squarespace, Wix, and Wordpress, and they each offer a unique user experience. (This blog post on why I chose Squarespace may provide some insights that are helpful to you in your selection process as well.)

And finally, while you’re building your personal brand, share your story. It reveals your passions and what led you to the work you do, and it’s yet another way for your audience to get to know, and more deeply connect with, you.


It’s important to just be YOU.

You’re awesome and totally relatable! So just be authentic and real in how you present yourself. And, if you’re feeling oh-so-bold, ask your friends and family for honest feedback so you can tweak your presence accordingly.

You’ve got this!

We all have a personal brand, whether we want one or not. So, be deliberate in crafting the image in a way that leaves the impression you’ve envisioned.

Building your name, your reputation, and your expertise in a way that communicates your personality, skills, and values is, on the most basic level, the way to achieve your magnetic brand. And then using these values and priorities as a compass for setting strategies to achieve your personal and professional goals.

You’re going to love the freedom that your magnetic brand will provide!

Interested in learning more about building a Personal Brand? Take note of these 7 common mistakes people make, and then grab the worksheet for a DIY exercise!