4 Things Your Business Needs to Succeed

In 2009, I started a blog called Losing My Marbles.

The tagline went something like this:

One woman's journey towards a healthier lifestyle... A blog about life, family, wellness, food, exercise and weight loss.

I was a 31-year-old mom of newborn triplets eager to lose the pregnancy weight, learn how to care for three babies at the same time, and find a community of other moms who 'got' it.

At the time, I thought this blog had all the right ingredients for success.

But it failed... and as I recently reflected on why it flopped, I uncovered 4 things that Losing My Marbles would have needed to be successful.

In this blog, you'll learn what those 5 things are so that your business-building journey doesn't become a case of "20/20 hindsight" too.

4 Things Your Business (or Blog) Needs to Succeed

A good story that isn't all about you.

It's true that Losing My Marbles was founded upon a compelling story of girl meets boy, struggles through years of fertility treatments, gains 70+ lbs with a high-risk pregnancy, becomes a mother to 3 infants at the same time, wants to lose weight and feels alone. But where that blog lost people was in the delivery.

Other women can relate to the motherhood journey, but at some point your audience wants to be involved in your story too.

Which brings us to the first thing your business or blog needs to succeed in garnering a following: a (brand)story that isn't all about you.

When you just talk about yourself, your experiences and what you're seeking, your audience checks out. Good communication and story-telling puts your client in the hero seat, and focusing on them is the key to cultivating a community of people who are interested in what you have to offer.

From your About section and social posts to your offer and beyond, tell your story through the lens of your customer and insert yourself as the guide who helps them on their journey.

What's their experience? What parts of your story do they relate to? What do they want and need to hear to take the next step?

Put them in the hero's journey and you will draw them in.

A plan for success.

So often, people jump into their businesses because they have a passion or desire, which is exactly what I did with Losing My Marbles. I sought a landing place for my thoughts, accountability for my weight loss journey, and a community of mamas who would understand the juggling act that is motherhood.

You might have a passion or talent you want to leverage... a desire for freedom in your schedule... a yearning for greater levels of fulfillment in your work... a calling to impact a lot more people... or the knowing that your ability to make more money far exceeds the organizational ceiling that's been put on you.

Whatever the reason you launched your business, a plan for success is what makes it successful.

When I started Losing My Marbles, I literally created a Blogspot page and started writing. No vision. No idea where I was headed. No plan forward. And certainly, no plan for success.

This is not a winning approach.

Right now, take some time to define success for your business. What is your vision? What do you ultimately want to achieve and how do you want this business to serve you while serving others?

Once you know where you're headed, you can create your plan to get there.

A brand strategy.

One of the most commonly misunderstood concepts in business is branding.
Is it the colors, fonts, or logos? Your website?

The answer: All of the above and so much more.

Your brand stretches from your offer to your messaging and to how you make people feel. It's literally woven into the fabric of who you are and what you do as an organization.
And to be truly impactful, it needs to be developed strategically.

Losing My Marbles was just a cute idea I had on a whim that had no strategy behind it.
Don't follow that lead. Instead, invest time into the key elements of a solid brand strategy now so that your offer is dialed in, your messaging is on-point, your call-to-action is clear and your person knows that you're calling them in.

Consistency, consistently.

Taking action is the first step, but consistency is what brings about success.

As a new mom to my trio, I was anything but consistent in using the Losing My Marbles platform to build community. It may have gained traction over a longer period of time had I stuck with it, but not showing up for my (small) readership on a regular basis fast-tracked the demise.

Simply put, consistency is key.

The regularity that consistency provides - for both you and your audience - builds the momentum that accelerates your growth and amplifies your results. And, it becomes second nature to operate this way over time.

If you're ready for real traction in your business, these 4 things are a great place to start. In my coaching programs, I help you put together a foundation for your business so you don't don't waste your time and money (or worse, give it up altogether, like I did with Losing My Marbles). Schedule a free consult call here to get started.

Rachel Lubchansky